Lies, Lies and more lies!

Over the years, especially over the last few, it has become apparent that we have been lied to with all aspects of our lives, and our health has been at the forefront of this assault.

This isn't new, and it has been going on for decades. Well, the last hundred or so years is where it became the powers that be's top priority.

Since big business took over and made our "health", well, our disease, their priority.

The attack on our well-being has been multipronged with so much disinformation that it makes your head reel just thinking about it. From cancer to heart disease to obesity to depression and anxiety, we have been lied to. Unfortunately, if you want to know more about this, all you have to do is follow the money.

But here I would like to briefly focus on three politicised areas of our lives, that when you start to think about how we have been affected, how our health has been destroyed (as a collective, we are getting sicker and sicker)by these simple, but essential pieces of skulduggery.

The first that has been slowly Leaking into public awareness is the vilifying of saturated fat.

Saturated fat, mainly animal fat, has been used by humans for thousands or more years. But all of a sudden, it was the root cause of Heart disease. A gentleman (if you can call him that) called Ansel Keyes published that animal fat was the root of clogged arteries and caused the rise in heart disease. How did he get this data?

He compiled a list of countries with low incidences of heart disease and included those with low levels of animal fat in the diet, and left the ones with high levels of heart disease and low levels of animal fats out of the equation. What this action did was skew the results of his hypothesis.

We have to wonder why he did this.

We can research deeper into the lobbying of certain vegetable oil groups and if they had financial implications. But I want to avoid going down that bottomless rabbit hole right now.

What we can do now is to go down another avenue that happened around the same time, the rise of the sugar industry.

While Ansel Keyes was pushing his animal-fat hypothesis, about the same time (1950's or thereabouts), the sugar industry was making huge inroads into all foods and drinks. As a result, sugar found itself in more and more foods, and our health was deteriorating in proportion to the amounts of sugar we consumed.

More heart disease, more cancers. Plus, of course, the rise of metabolic syndrome, obesity and diabetes all start their slow rise in the population.

It became increasingly apparent to many medical researchers, who all tried to point out that sugar was one of the main culprits.

Still, their voices disappeared along with any representatives of reason. All we heard for years was that animal fat is wrong and sugar is essential for energy.

We have always had animal fats (most of the time, animal fat was essential for our survival, and we never had sugar in its concentrated form at any time in our history).

Even in 2010, when I started my program Fast track to health, clients were told by their doctors that they shouldn't leave out sugars as it was vital for energy production! Even being in ketosis was a negative thing. Why?

Now it seems more and more people realise that sugar isn't good for them, despite all the advertising. Still, we have a long way to go, as sugar is one of the most challenging products to stop consuming, harder than many addictive drugs. However, now there might be a piece of the puzzle that can identify why it is so hard.

That is salt.

Yep, the other vilified ingredient that is so bad for our health. We have been told it is the root of our high blood pressure, heart disease and strokes.

What if I told you that this fantastic ingredient could actually stop high blood pressure, lower blood sugars, lower sweet cravings and even help you with many areas of your health and well-being?

You probably wouldn't believe me. After all, there is lots of science behind this one, isn't there?

Well, it turns out not, just like Ansel Keyes, it was all hypothesis and bullying of big business. Multiple studies have proven the opposite, all of which have been buried (along with the saturated fat research). If you do some research of your own, you will be shocked. It is fascinating.

For example, if you are on medications, like blood pressure meds, diuretics ( herbals or meds), Antidepressants and antipsychotics, then your need for sodium goes up ( I am writing more on salt in another blog to go into a lot more detail so that I won't go into that now)

So why has salt been targeted? Good question. Consider this, salt, over millennia, has been vital for survival, not just for humans but all species on the planet.

Why have we been exposed to a campaign against it? The war on salt has been ongoing since the 1970s and hasn't abated.

Just like saturated fat, salt has been a mainstay of our evolution.

Sugar, on the other hand, hasn't. So, yes, we have had honey and fruits at certain times of the year, but never in the volume we have today.

We have been taken for a ride by a vast marketing campaign against multiple healthy foods and pro ingredients that not only don't serve us( This includes vegetable oils and all sugars).

I could go into the fact that big Pharma has had the most significant gain from keeping us fat and sick. But that would be a very long, long document.

Not everything we have been told is accurate, and even if it has been perpetuated for decades, it doesn't mean we have to follow the dogma, especially if you try another way and feel so much better!!

If you want to know more, I will share more info on this subject in the coming weeks. I am passionate about this. I know that misinformation has been coming through thick and fast. But I know after working with thousands of clients, I know that traditional diet and lifestyle have enabled us to survive and thrive, and this is what I wish for us all!