Ultimate Detox 12 week - NEW 3 MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN

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Ultimate Detox 12 week - NEW 3 MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN

NZ$400.00 every month for 3 months

This is a New Version of the 12-week program. You can start this at any time.

Plus the following

What is different?

✨ Weekly Guided Videos: Dive deep into the science behind weight gain and learn effective strategies to combat it. Our weekly video series is your ultimate guide to understanding your body and how to make it work for you.

🍏 Nutrition Made Simple: Say goodbye to confusion about what to eat. Our easy-to-follow list - either low inflammatory or carnivore will help empower you with knowledge on the best foods to fuel your body and what to avoid. Plus, we'll introduce you to the incredible benefits of intermittent fasting!

🧠 Master Your Mindset: Success starts from within. Each week, we'll share powerful mindset techniques and tips to keep you motivated and on track towards your goals. It's not just about losing weight; it's about changing your life.

🙋‍♂️ Live Q&A Sessions: Have burning questions or need extra guidance? Join our weekly live Q&A sessions, where our
experts will address your concerns and provide real-time support.


This is for you if: -

  • You have struggled to drop weight and keep it off for a while.

  • You have other health issues that you are struggling with.

  • You don’t have time and energy to wait for a new program to start.

  • You prefer to work one-on -one with your health, not in a group.

  • You love to know why things are or aren’t working.

  • You are low in energy and know that you need help.

    Products for the whole 12-week period, including: -

1 x Fast track Spray
1 x Fast Track boost -
These two for the first two weeks

1 x Ultimate detox Homeopathic spray- (this is pure genius)
1x Turbo Boost drops to go in your water - (these support your detoxification pathways). These are in a base of Ionic
minerals to help with raising your mineral levels
1x Herbal Detox drops - These encourage your body to let go of the junk within your system.
. -

These 3 are for the second 3 week

1 x Magnesium Gel - This gel has been made with detoxification and feeling good in mind.

On-Line E book - plus PDF - this is so you can print off if required
Group in Facebook where we will include daily Videos for support and advice -
Email guidance over the whole time
Weekly Live Q&A session .
Come and join us on our incredible journey of discovery - the discovery of self is one of the most amazing experiences that I have ever had, and I know you will love it too!!When you join us, you will find that detoxing is easy and very satisfying.
The results are fast, and you will be so motivated to make changes that you won’t believe that you have been putting this off for so long.

We start with two days of loading, plus the first two days are preparation days, so we start the detox proper after these two days.

If you are feeling anything like I was just 1 year and three months ago, where I was feeling sluggish, a bit directionless and generally not very happy in my skin. I knew I had put weight on - not loads, but I thought it! I also knew that the stress of the last 3.5 years had taken its toll. So I was researching how I could help some of my clients - who were also struggling in various ways- and I hit upon something that I used to specialise in from the 1990s. That was fasting.

I hadn’t been using fasting lately as I had gone in another direction, and I wasn’t too keen on Juice fasting any longer - too much sugar plus a few other reasons.
So I came up with Ultimate Detox - where we incorporate intermittent fasting, broth fasting, and low-inflammatory, low-addictive foods. Plus, I created new products to go along with it and gathered some willing volunteers.

The results blew me away - see the videos on our Ultimate detox page to see what just a couple of the ladies thought - plus, we have testimonials from the others that made me cry happy tears.
Plus, I let go of at least 6 kg and am feeling motivated and can’t wait to share this with the world!!

The products in more detail

The homeopathic sprays both Fast Track and Ultimate Detox are vital for this journey

The Fast Track spray
concentrates on bringing your hypothalamus into balance so that the weight is able to be released from your body as well as trauma release. Trauma is often the root cause of weight gain and so it is an important one to include in here.
The Ultimate Detox spray, does the same as the Fast track one, plus it has Chemical, metal detox as well as emotional support - this gets personalised to you after we have had a consultation or you have told me what you need to work on.

Boost drops

The Boost and the Turbo Boost drops go into your water and are designed to support your detoxification pathways. They are in a base of Ionic minerals, with what we call drainage remedies in. To support your liver, kidneys and lymphatics on this Journey. When you start losing excess unwanted fat, then you inevitably let go of toxins and if you don’t have drainage support those toxins can often make you feel terrible and we don’t want that to happen to you.

Herbal drops

These are used during the second six week of the program where we concentrate hugely on detoxification and the herbs are there as extra support. The herbs I include in this formula are.

Milk Thistle
Gotu Kola
Oregon Grape root

Magnesium Gel

This is a vital part of good health and I have a booklet if you are interested in reading why I include it in your package
It is made from the best quality Magnesium Chloride - from the Deed sea
Plus Herbal tincture of lobelia Inflata and essential oils and homeopathic to enhance the process